2016 – 2018 National Team Coaches Named
From Matt Gary, Coaching Chairman: I’m excited to announce the Executive Committee has named the following national team head coaches for the 2016-2018 term: Open (equipped) Team: James Townsend Masters (equipped) Team: Johnny Graham Sub-junior/Juniors (equipped) Team: Curt St. Romain Open, Sub-junior and Juniors (equipped) Bench Press Teams: Tim Anderson Open Raw Team: Sioux-z Hartwig-Gary Raw Masters Team: Paulie Steinman Raw Sub-junior and Juniors: Arian Khamesi Masters Raw Bench Press Teams: Steve Petrencak NAPF Open and Masters: Jim Brown NAPF Sub-junior and Juniors: Joe Lewis NAPF Bench Press Team: Bill Helmich I look forward to working directly with these coaches to continue in upholding the standard of excellence at home and abroad.