USA Powerlifting Record Changes for 2015
The 2014 NGB adopted the IPF weight classes to be implemented 1/1/15. There has been some confusion as to what happens with records going forward.
- Current Records, both State and American will be Retired as of 12/31/2014.
- Maintain Retired State records on your state website for historical purposes.
- Current Records will then be adapted to the new IPF weight classes as appropriate.
- For example, 67.5kg records will be rolled up into the 74kg (for men) and 72kg (for women), 75 and 82.5 records will be moved up into the 83kg (men) and 84kg (women), putting in whichever of the two records are the highest of the two.
- Most records do not have the individuals actual body weight listed, if you are able to look back at results and determine a lifter set a record in a lesser weight class, please place them as they should be (ie, a 75kg record set, but the lifters actual body weight as shown in results was 70kg, they would be placed in the women’s 72kg vs automatically placing them into the 84kg class.
- State Records on GoHeavy
- Once your State has completed all the meets for 2014, please email the National Office letting us know you are ready to have your records retired and then converted.