Top Powerlifting Programs | Beginners, Intermediates, Experts
Top Powerlifting Programs For Beginners, Intermediates, Experts, and Pros | By: USA Powerlifting Coaching Staff
When it comes to selecting the best powerlifting programs, it can be difficult to make the right choice. After all, there’s so much information out there from countless sources, how do you know who to trust with your powerlifting training?
This is especially true when selecting the best beginner powerlifting program. As a beginner you have the most growth potential you will ever have in your career. You don’t want to squander your gains by using an unvetted powerlifting program. As you move on to to the intermediate, expert, and pro level of training, the amount of care you have to take doesn’t decrease. You just have to be aware of other factors in your selection process.
This is why we created the USA Powerlifting Training App. As leaders in the sport of powerlifting for over 40+ years we want to give beginner, intermediate, and expert lifters proven powerlifting programs to get stronger.
Below is our list of the top 3 things to look for when choosing your ideal powerlifting program, as well as exclusive savings for unlimited access to our proven powerlifting programs
1) Who created the powerlifting program?
There are hundreds of free powerlifting programs available online. Many of these programs don’t have a clear origin point from a trusted expert powerlifting coach. If you’re searching for a powerlifting program, not coaching, then it’s vital you understand who or what group created the program.
Remember: Powerlifting programs are not the same as paying a one on one powerlifting coach
When we created the USA Powerlifting Programs in our training app we pooled together some of the brightest and most experienced minds in powerlifting from our coaching staff. With over 100 years of combined powerlifting coaching experience, we created time-tested and proven powerlifting programs that get people stronger.
Knowing who or what group created your powerlifting program is important. You are about to commit weeks of your training life to the knowledge and expertise behind the program. Here’s a checklist to vet a powerlifting program you are considering:
- Does the creator(s) of the program has proven experience?
- Is the program clear in who it is for, how often you’ll train, and what you
can expect from it? - Is the program from a trusted powerlifting organization? Do they have the
decades of experience necessary to produce top powerlifting programs?
2) Does the powerlifting program provide what you need to get stronger?
Once you know where your powerlifting program was created, the next thing you need to ask yourself is if the program will actually provide you with what you need to get stronger.
The variables in a powerlifting program typically include; volume, intensity, frequency, and rest. The combination of these variables and how they are implemented, controlled for, and executed determines how you grow from the lifting program.
Powerlifting is a skill, and what skill level you are at determines what level of program you should be using. Generic powerlifting programs simply don’t cut it anymore. The deep experience and knowledge of powerlifting coaches like those on our coaching staff have helped move the industry beyond a generic approach.
This is why we developed our best powerlifting programs for 5 levels of skill:
- Beginner – Newbie gains are real. Take advantage of an optimal program built just for lifters like you. Get strong, fast!
- Intermediate – As your skill increases, you need new stimuli. The intermediate class of programs is the perfect mix of volume and intensity to keep you growing.
- Advanced – Advanced powerlifting programs are our most popular series.
These time-tested programs are used by masters powerlifters, equipped powerlifters, and raw powerlifters to grow their total in a reliable and predictable way. - Expert – Expert powerlifting programs are not for the faint of heart. Serious volume, intensity, and calculated rest create a perfect combination to keep the most advanced powerlifters getting stronger over time.
- Pro – A new territory for powerlifting programming, pro powerlifting programs have been developed based on the combined experience of USA Powerlifting Coaching staff over the decades. Some of the strongest lifters and most legendary performances used programming just like this to win countless championships.
We find that selecting your powerlifting program based on skill level gives you the greatest shot at success. Remember, a top powerlifting program provides you the stimulus you need to help you progress to a new skill level and bigger powerlifting total.

3) Accessibility, updates, and evolution
Now you understand how generic powerlifting programs are not the best approach for your powerlifting training, and see the value in top-level powerlifting programming from a reliable source.
You have to make sure the program or resource you are going to for your powerlifting programming makes their powerlifting programs accessible and that they have planned updates to their program offerings.
What does accessibility look like?
For paid programming, this typically means a training app where you can easily access your training plan. If you find a free program, it should be in a universal format such as a spreadsheet or word document. The most important thing for accessibility is that you are easily able to access your lifting program each week.
You don’t want to commit to a program and then have trouble accessing it and sticking to the plan once you make the decision. The biggest benefit of moving beyond spreadsheets and documents and into a training app is that you get access to powerful features unavailable anywhere else.
For instance, The USA Powerlifting Training App has a built-in one rep max calculator, nutrition tracking, advanced training metrics, and other powerful features. It’s not just a powerlifting program on a spreadsheet, it’s so much more.
This also makes updating and evolution exponentially easier. The thing about powerlifting templates on spreadsheets is that they can’t be updated by the creator and mastermind behind the program. If you’re paying for a powerlifting program it’s important that you have a clear path of progression and improvement in the programming you are doing over time.
Are You Ready For Serious Powerlifting Programs?
If you’re ready to elevate your strength training to the next level use code DEADLIFT At checkout to save 25% off your first three months of the USA Powerlifting Training App