Service Announcement

A couple of important notices regarding operations.


The membership database will be offline starting Monday October 23rd from noon EST through midnight Wednesday October 25 EST for maintenance. There is a chance the updates will be completed earlier but PLEASE use this chance to run your membership check for any upcoming meets.


There is now a dedicated email account for sanction applications. Please send your final signed application to for processing. Questions regarding applications can go to that same account. The email is also listed at the top of the application.


Meet directors now have the option to upload drug test paperwork when you submit your meet results. This replaces having to mail documents to the National Office if you so choose. Scanned documents must be clearly legible and show the entire page. Meet directors should save the originals for 6 months. You’ll see the following section on the results upload form:

There’s a similar section for American records applications for those meets where records are eligible to be set.

Neither of these features are mandatory. Meet directors still have the option to mail paperwork and payments to the National Office.

Please let us know if you have questions.