January 24-25, 1998 --- Seattle, Washington
Meet Director: Martin Beavers
Please Note - At the contest awards were presented to the Master lifters in 5 year age groups. However the IPF rules only allows for two Master groups, 40 - 49 and 50+, so the master results shown here are formatted that way. The numbers following the lifter name are the year of birth then their actual bodyweight in kilograms. Thanks goes to Mike Armstrong via Heiner Koeberich via Mike Truipano for these results.
NOTE:  All weights are in kilograms.

-44.0 Kg
 1. Grater/Beth/..        44.0  US.America          102.5      52.5       115.0      270.0  ...  380.18
 2. Solan/Cathy/..        44.0  US.America          47.5       47.5       112.5      207.5  ...  292.18
-48.0 Kg
 1. Kovalchik/Paula/..    47.8  US.America          122.5      87.5       147.5      357.5  ...  474.93
 2. Macy/Jenny/..         47.9  US.America          102.5      57.5       127.5      287.5  ...  381.36
 3. Compton/Kimberly/..   47.8  US.America          95.0       50.0       107.5      252.5  ...  335.44
-52.0 Kg
 1. Chang/Yueh-Chun/..    51.8  US.America          152.5      90.0       187.5      430.0  ...  537.67
 2. Davis/Jaquweline/..   52.0  US.America          150.0      80.0       175.0      405.0  ...  504.87
 3. Tyree/Valerie/..      51.7  US.America          137.5      80.0       177.5      395.0  ...  494.61
 4. Hartwig/Suzanne/..    51.8  US.America          135.0      75.0       137.5      347.5  ...  434.51
 5. Gede/Jana/..          51.4  US.America          92.5       70.0       142.5      305.0  ...  383.62
 6. Bowers/Sally/..       51.6  US.America          110.0      55.0       140.0      305.0  ...  382.50
-56.0 Kg
 1. Mobley/Sandy/..       55.8  US.America          150.0      72.5       150.0      372.5  ...  439.51
 2. Tollefsen/Jill/..     55.7  US.America          137.5      85.0       145.0      367.5  ...  434.23
 3. Smith/Lymne/..        55.5  US.America          100.0      60.0       150.0      310.0  ...  367.31
 4. Keeble/Garriel/..     55.7  US.America          117.5      62.5       130.0      310.0  ...  366.29
 5. Hicks/Carrie/..       55.8  US.America          115.0      62.5       130.0      307.5  ...  362.81
-60.0 Kg
 1. Rey-Fisher/Jennif/..  59.8  US.America          142.5      85.0       165.0      392.5  ...  438.73
 2. Thomas-Steward/Fl/..  59.7  US.America          130.0      67.5       175.0      372.5  ...  416.90
-67.5 Kg
 1. Houston/Paula/..      67.2  US.America          177.5      92.5       172.5      442.5  ...  453.07
 2. Birmingham/Paula/..   67.0  US.America          152.5      80.0       175.0      407.5  ...  418.13
 3. Covington/Donna/..    67.1  US.America          152.5      67.5       175.0      395.0  ...  404.87
 4. Grekoff/Chris/..      66.9  US.America          130.0      70.0       165.0      365.0  ...  374.92
 5. Brady/Sandy/..        67.2  US.America          140.0      70.0       147.5      357.5  ...  366.04
 6. Galarado/Claire/..    66.8  US.America          110.0      62.5       135.0      307.5  ...  316.20
-75.0 Kg
 1. Look/Leslie/..        74.4  US.America          182.5      102.5      205.0      490.0  ...  468.19
 2. Sortwell/Andrea/..    74.4  US.America          160.0      107.5      187.5      455.0  ...  434.75
 3. Martin/Cathy/..       74.6  US.America          165.0      82.5       162.5      410.0  ...  391.05
 4. Wolfenberger/Gay/..   73.6  US.America          147.5      92.5       157.5      397.5  ...  382.43
 5. Chow/Sam-Lee/..       74.3  US.America          145.0      77.5       160.0      382.5  ...  365.78
 6. Welding/Ruth/..       74.6  US.America          140.0      77.5       155.0      372.5  ...  355.29
 7. Corns/Patricia/..     73.8  US.America          132.5      65.0       152.5      350.0  ...  336.14
-82.5 Kg
 1. Ojanen/Betsy/..       82.0  US.America          200.0      127.5      187.5      515.0  ...  464.94
 2. Maile/Jana/..         79.4  US.America          152.5      92.5       187.5      432.5  ...  397.42
-90.0 Kg
 1. Moore/Kadell/..       86.6  US.America          185.0      85.0       197.5      467.5  ...  410.83
90.0+ Kg
 1. Sale/Nellie/..        98.7  US.America          215.0      127.5      200.0      542.5  ...  453.47
 2. Farrel/Deborah/..     97.7  US.America          177.5      130.0      177.5      485.0  ...  406.67
 3. Leifermann-Morgan/..  96.5  US.America          210.0      102.5      165.0      477.5  ...  402.00
 4. Magno/Regina/..       102.2 US.America          167.5      85.0       182.5      435.0  ...  359.96
 5. Hallen/Sue/..         94.8  US.America          152.5      97.5       137.5      387.5  ...  328.21
 6. Rolfe/Maloney/Bre/..  94.4  US.America          145.0      75.0       157.5      377.5  ...  320.23

In the Open Competition there were participating 40 Women.

USAPL Women's Junior Championships January 24, 1998

-44.0 Kg
 1. Balmania/Helen/76     43.7  US.America          62.5       32.5       85.0       180.0  ...  254.61
-48.0 Kg
 1. Hudson/Ashley/76      47.7  US.America          110.0      52.5       122.5      285.0  ...  379.19
 2. Bimbo/Liza/81         47.7  US.America          77.5       35.0       107.5      220.0  ...  292.71
 3. Bimbo/Mricel/76       47.8  US.America          75.0       35.0       95.0       205.0  ...  272.34
-52.0 Kg
 1. Warner/Tawanda/76     51.8  US.America          115.0      57.5       125.0      297.5  ...  371.99
 2. Willis/Rhiana/83      51.5  US.America          67.5       32.5       100.0      200.0  ...  251.2
 3. Bimbo/Miriam/79       51.4  US.America          70.0       37.5       42.5       150.0  ...  188.67
-60.0 Kg
 1. Tollefsen/Jill/76     59.9  US.America          137.5      85.0       145.0      367.5  ...  410.24
 2. Herman-Dolittle//75   59.7  US.America          137.5      67.5       140.0      345.0  ...  386.12
 3. Bone/Carrie/76        59.5  US.America          107.5      52.5       127.5      287.5  ...  322.60
-67.5 Kg
 1. Roberts/Rebecca/76    66.6  US.America          140.0      70.0       165.0      375.0  ...  386.47
 2. Newman/Christy/75     66.8  US.America          120.0      82.5       142.5      345.0  ...  354.76
-75.0 Kg
 1. Ford/Katie/82         73.6  US.America          142.5      70.0       145.0      357.5  ...  343.95
-82.5 Kg
 1. Jasper/Jennifer/76    81.1  US.America          142.5      77.5       155.0      375.0  ...  340.57
 2. Scott/Marianne/82     80.2  US.America          125.0      70.0       137.5      332.5  ...  303.80
90.0+ Kg
 1. Smith/Sharebo/76      94.4  US.America          165.0      82.5       145.0      392.5  ...  332.95

In the Competition there were participating 16 Women.

USAPL Women's Masters I (40-49 age) Championships January 24, 1998

-48.0 Kg 
 1. Ewing/Pat/56          47.8  US.America          85.0       65.0       120.0      270.0  ...  358.69
-52.0 Kg
 1. Bowers/Sally/53       51.8  US.America          110.0      55.0       140.0      305.0  ...  381.37
-56.0 Kg
 1. Hicks/Carrie/57       55.8  US.America          115.0      62.5       130.0      307.5  ...  362.81
 2. Bryant/Pat/52         55.6  US.America          85.0       50.0       148.5      282.5  ...  334.25
-60.0 Kg
 1. Stein/Ellen/57        58.8  US.America          130.0      72.5       162.5      365.0  ...  413.36
 2. Keeble/Garriel/52     59.8  US.America          117.5      62.5       130.0      310.0  ...  346.51
 3. Benner/Gloria/56      59.3  US.America          75.0       50.0       115.0      240.0  ...  270.02
-67.5 Kg
 1. Birmingham/Paula/57   65.6  US.America          152.5      80.0       175.0      407.5  ...  424.61
 2. Grekoff/Chris/56      65.4  US.America          130.0      70.0       165.0      365.0  ...  381.20
 3. Brady/Sandi/57        67.0  US.America          140.0      70.0       147.5      357.5  ...  366.83
 4. Meshkov/Sasha/56      65.8  US.America          125.0      67.5       145.0      337.5  ...  350.89
 5. Hammerle/Pat/56       67.1  US.America          130.0      60.0       127.5      317.5  ...  325.43
 6. Russel/Diana-Lee/55   66.9  US.America          85.0       50.0       102.5      237.5  ...  243.96
-75.0 Kg
 1. Gill/Susan/52         74.2  US.America          105.0      60.0       135.0      300.0  ...  287.13
90.0+ Kg
 1. Morgan-Leifermann/52  96.1  US.America          210.0      102.5      165.0      477.5  ...  402.58
 2. Hallen/Sue/56         96.6  US.America          152.5      97.5       137.5      387.5  ...  326.12

In the Competition there were participating 16 Women.

USAPL Women's Masters II (50+ age) Championships January 24, 1998

-60.0 Kg
 1. St.Louis/Rita/47      59.6  US.America          102.5      57.5       140.0      300.0  ...  336.21
-67.5 Kg
 1. Hackney/Regina/39     64.0  US.America          95.0       47.5       125.0      267.5  ...  275.68
 2. Matsumman/Margie/27   64.4  US.America          40.0       32.5       82.5       155.0  ...  163.74
In the Competition there were participating 3 Women.