IPF | USA Powerlifting https://www.usapowerlifting.com America's Choice for Drug-free Strength Sport Sat, 18 Jun 2022 22:06:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://www.usapowerlifting.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/cropped-lift-clean-profile-32x32.png IPF | USA Powerlifting https://www.usapowerlifting.com 32 32 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Powerlifting America Threats to Lifters, Coaches, Officials https://www.usapowerlifting.com/for-immediate-release-powerlifting-america-threats-to-lifters-coaches-officials/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=for-immediate-release-powerlifting-america-threats-to-lifters-coaches-officials Sat, 18 Jun 2022 20:11:31 +0000 https://www.usapowerlifting.com/?p=19443 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 18, 2022 Powerlifting America Threats to Lifters and Former Lifters (Anchorage, Alaska) Many of you are aware that Powerlifting America administrators are demanding that athletes, coaches, and officials resign their membership in USA Powerlifting to participate in their federation or in the IPF. The canned form letter given to each member…

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June 18, 2022

Powerlifting America Threats to Lifters and Former Lifters

(Anchorage, Alaska) Many of you are aware that Powerlifting America administrators are demanding that athletes, coaches, and officials resign their membership in USA Powerlifting to participate in their federation or in the IPF. The canned form letter given to each member who is being forced to resign states that they may not “be associated with” any organization that performs “unauthorized drug tests.” They would have you believe that this is a WADA rule, or an IPF rule. It is not. In fact, WADA rules state that non-signatory drug testing, such as those completed by USA Powerlifting, be recognized by WADA signatories if such testing meets some of the criteria as defined in the WADA Code or the International Standards for Testing, and that the signatories should “attempt to apply the decision in harmony with the principles of the Code (Comment to Section 15.3). Similar language exists in the IPF Anti-doping Rules.

The words “unauthorized drug tests” do not appear in the WADA Code nor the International Standard for Results Management (ISRM 2021).

There is no language in the code that suggests that athletes cannot be drug tested by non-signatories to the Code, in fact, just the opposite. Section 15.3 and the associated comment 96 specifically addresses drug testing by non-signatories: To summarize, this section means that Signatories to the Code (IPF) should apply decisions made regarding drug testing results of a non-signatory (USA Powerlifting).

15.3 Implementation of Decisions by Body that is not a Signatory. An anti-doping decision by a body that is not a Signatory to the Code shall be implemented by each Signatory if the Signatory finds that the decision purports to be within the authority of that body and the anti-doping rules of that body are otherwise consistent with the Code. 96

96 [Comment to Article 15.3: Where the decision of a body that has not accepted the Code is in some respects Code compliant and in other respects not Code compliant, Signatories should attempt to apply the decision in harmony with the principles of the Code. For example, if in a process consistent with the Code a non-Signatory has found an Athlete to have committed an anti-doping rule violation on account of the presence of a Prohibited Substance in the Athlete’s body but the period of Ineligibility applied is shorter than the period provided for in the Code, then all Signatories should recognize the finding of an anti-doping rule violation and the Athlete’s National Anti-Doping Organization should conduct a hearing consistent with Article 8 to determine whether the longer period of Ineligibility provided in the Code should be imposed. A Signatory’s implementation of a decision or its decision not to implement a decision under Article 15.3, is appealable under Article 13.]

IPF anti-doping rules have similar language to address testing by a non-signatory. In summary, IPF is required to attempt to apply drug testing decisions made by a non-signatory who is in some respects Code compliant (which USA Powerlifting is, as our rules specifically adopt the Prohibited list).

72 [Comment to Article 15.3: Where the decision of a body that has not accepted the Code is in some respects Code compliant and in other respects not Code compliant, IPF, other Signatories and National Federations should attempt to apply the decision in harmony with the principles of the Code. For example, if in a process consistent with the Code a non-Signatory has found an Athlete to have committed an anti-doping rule violation on account of the presence of a Prohibited Substance in the Athlete’s body but the period of Ineligibility applied is shorter than the period provided for in the Code, then IPF and all other Signatories should recognize the finding of an anti-doping rule violation and the Athlete’s National Anti-Doping Organization should conduct a hearing consistent with Article 8 to determine whether the longer period of Ineligibility provided in the Code should be imposed. IPF or other Signatory’s implementation of a decision, or their decision not to implement a decision under Article 15.3, is appealable under Article 13.]

What does this mean to athletes? It means that testing done by USA Powerlifting should be recognized. If it isn’t, perhaps it is out of concern that athletes NOT tested under the IPF umbrella may fail elsewhere.

Further, athletes are told that they will “have a target on their back,“ if they compete in Powerlifting America. USA Powerlifting does not care where you compete! We do not test you because you compete elsewhere. Athletes are placed in our Registered Testing Pool (RTP) whose performance merits testing. This includes lifts done either in USA Powerlifting or elsewhere. Athletes submit their whereabouts, which are used for testing. As long as you remain in the USA Powerlifting testing pool you are subject to testing. We are testing athletes who are under our jurisdiction, either by membership or who willfully remain in our RTP.

To be clear, an ‘unauthorized test’ would be in the event a non-approved entity outside of their organization tested for their organization. We are not testing for them, nor do we claim to be or have any association with them. With their logic, athletes would have to also refuse drug testing by employers as well since it is not done under ‘WADA’.

You may find it concerning that you are cautioned about associating with organizations that the IPF and its minions do not approve of. Imagine in America being told that we can’t talk to, associate with, or compete with someone. The Frantz v. IPF lawsuits turned on just these issues and the IPF’s ignoring it resulted in the IPF’s absence from the U.S. for two decades. Apparently, they do not appreciate the lessons of history.

For our part, we want to provide a positive lifter experience, a level playing field, and an environment where everyone who is drug free can participate. At USA Powerlifting, we don’t have to threaten athletes, coaches, and officials to keep their loyalty. We will simply provide a better experience and continue to improve.

REINSTATEMENT: To formalize our belief in decisions to participate without threats, we offer reinstatement to any athlete who has resigned under duress during the same calendar year AT NO COST. If you have been forced to resign, you are welcome back into our family.


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Statement on USA Powerlifting Drug Testing and other organizations https://www.usapowerlifting.com/statement-on-usa-powerlifting-drug-testing-and-other-organizations/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=statement-on-usa-powerlifting-drug-testing-and-other-organizations Sun, 08 May 2022 05:15:16 +0000 https://www.usapowerlifting.com/?p=19281 We are aware of the false rumors being spread by those who believe we are targeting lifters for OMTs in order to suspend them. Fact: Two athletes had accepted being placed in the USA Powerlifting Registered Testing Pool (RTP) in order to maintain their Pro Card eligibility. Fact: These athletes have been keeping their whereabouts…

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We are aware of the false rumors being spread by those who believe we are targeting lifters for OMTs in order to suspend them.

Fact: Two athletes had accepted being placed in the USA Powerlifting Registered Testing Pool (RTP) in order to maintain their Pro Card eligibility.

Fact: These athletes have been keeping their whereabouts current in order to be tested.

Fact: When they were approached by a USA Powerlifting Drug Testing Officer (DCO) for an Out of Meet Test (OMT), they contacted an administrator of Powerlifting America (PA). The athletes were told by that PA administrator they must refuse their drug test or they would not be allowed to compete with them.

Fact: There are no published rules by WADA that state that athletes can only be tested through a WADA agency or they lose their eligibility. This is PA and the IPF trying to control lifters and dictate what a lifter can and cannot do. Imagine you are part of the NCAA, NHL, high school powerlifting or even your job who conducts drug tests, but now have to refuse a drug test with those agencies because PA/IPF says only WADA can, or you lose your ability to compete. Clearly not true, nor will you find these made-up rules anywhere.

Are they so desperate for membership or to control people’s competition opportunities that they want them suspended?  Or are they afraid that we will stumble onto athletes that you are hiding out from testing, like some of you did under the IPF affiliate before USA Powerlifting?

The behavior of PA is much like two kids in Jr High School threatened if one friend speaks to someone else. Being part of an organization that makes up rules and dictates, especially who lifters, coaches, and referees can and can’t ‘hang’ with, negates why we live in the United States of America. We understand and support lifters desire to compete on the world platform and feel sorry that you are being threatened by PA in order to be able to do so.

We live in America, the land of the free: free speech, freedom of assembly, and the freedom from arbitrary rules that threaten our personal liberties.

Keeping the platform clean since 1981.

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Court of Arbitration Decision – World Records 2020 Arnold Sports Festival https://www.usapowerlifting.com/court-of-arbitration-decision-world-records-2020-arnold-sports-festival/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=court-of-arbitration-decision-world-records-2020-arnold-sports-festival Sat, 30 Apr 2022 04:48:47 +0000 https://www.usapowerlifting.com/?p=19249


April 29, 2022

Court of Arbitration Decision – World Records 2020 Arnold Sports Festival

(Anchorage, Alaska) After many delays, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruled against USA Powerlifting in our case which argued for the recognition of World Records set at the 2020 Arnold Sports Festival. USA Powerlifting argued that we followed the procedures for sanctioning in the IPF as established and maintained over the history of the Arnold and other non-world events, and that all procedures were followed as established in precedent. The IPF denied these records based on rules never followed previously or since that time as regards these events. Ultimately, the CAS decision cited our lack of timeliness of our pleading to the IPF Court of Appeal as the reason for denying our claim. However, the then IPF Chair of that Court accepted our appeal, and one member offered an opinion. In short, the IPF accepted and ruled on it, later denying it at the Executive level. USA Powerlifting, in supporting our athletes, appealed to the CAS.

This ruling against USA Powerlifting is an injustice to the lifters.

The IPF decided after the fact, it was not an IPF meet. There is no logic behind their punishment of the lifters.

As you are also aware, we have been expelled from the IPF in 2021, and the world record decisions, and those regarding drug testing highlight our differences. We believe that sports should be governed by those who are active in the sport, who have a history in it, and who remain connected with athletes, coaches, and the public. In following sporting news, at the IOC level, and down to the international federation level, athletes are excluded, disregarded in lieu of administrators, many of who feel no consequences for unfair decisions, watering down of drug testing, or disregarding athletes concerns. The fact that a glass ceiling exists between athletes and administrators in most sports demonstrates this. The defacto decrease in doping suspension time reflects opinions of attorneys and administrators rather than a consistent application of punishment of cheaters. Examination of suspension times among such organizations as the IPF for use of performance enhancing drugs, frequently now two years rather than four show this blatant disregard.

So, while we lost this case, we fought the case for the right reasons: at the end of the day, we support our athletes. This cannot be said for the IPF and its subservient “Courts” or the Court of Arbitration.

Related Articles
World Records Set at 2020 Arnold Sports Festival
USA Powerlifting Takes IPF to Court of Arbitration


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USA Powerlifting Goes International after the removal from the International Powerlifting Federation https://www.usapowerlifting.com/usapl-removed/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=usapl-removed Sun, 07 Nov 2021 17:48:35 +0000 https://www.usapowerlifting.com/?p=18464 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 7, 2021   USA Powerlifting Goes International after the removal from the International Powerlifting Federation  Today USA Powerlifting is no longer a member of the International Powerlifting Federation [IPF]. The IPF President Gaston Parage called for an ‘Extraordinary’ Congress session in Stavanger, Norway to remove USA Powerlifting. The decision comes from…

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November 7, 2021


USA Powerlifting Goes International after the removal from the International Powerlifting Federation 

Today USA Powerlifting is no longer a member of the International Powerlifting Federation [IPF]. The IPF President Gaston Parage called for an ‘Extraordinary’ Congress session in Stavanger, Norway to remove USA Powerlifting. The decision comes from a 2/3rds vote of the member nations that were present at the IPF. Of the 150+ member nations of the IPF, just 28 were present. And of those 28, only 23 voted to remove USA Powerlifting. 

The vote took place after USA Powerlifting Executives presented facts to the IPF Congress. These facts included raw data showing that USA Powerlifting performs 100% WADA tests of its National and International athletes and drug tests 18.9% of athletes at every level of competition, far exceeding any other member nation’s testing program. For example, in 2019 these tests numbered 3110 total tests, 720 WADA tests (206 in meet tests and 514 out of meet tests).

The IPF only focuses on a very small pool of international-level athletes for testing. Nations are expected to follow suit or simply not test at all. This is unacceptable to USA Powerlifting as testing is required at every level because all athletes deserve a clean platform. 

Pursuant to these facts, USA Powerlifting also proposed to follow the Olympic Model for testing. The Olympic model is currently in use across multiple IOC sports like hockey and basketball. Essentially, USA Powerlifting proposed to separate elite lifters at the world level from non-elite lifters at the local level. This is the same process whereby NBA athletes are not subject to WADA testing until they declare for the Olympic Games. They then enter the registered testing pool and follow WADA protocol. This system is proven, approved, and in place in other sports, yet the IPF denied this proposal and opted to remove USA Powerlifting completely.

This marks the first time in IPF history that a nation has been removed from the IPF for exceeding drug testing requirements. Past national suspensions have been for excessive doping. The list of nations suspended includes Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, India, Iran, and Uzbekistan. To reiterate, the aforementioned Federations were suspended for excessive doping failures and the IPF did not call for their removal from the IPF.

We are excited for our future now that we have been released from the rules and restrictions of the IPF. 

USA Powerlifting has the most exciting brand of powerlifting in the world and the world’s strongest drug-free powerlifting athletes. With our removal from the IPF, we now have the greatest opportunity in our history to transform the sport of powerlifting for both U.S. lifters and international lifters who want to compete with us. 

As always you can expect world-class venues, lighting, sound, and locations for USA Powerlifting events. We will be bringing all of this and a prize pool of $235,000 as we kick off the first year of the new Pro Series. 

The Pro Series competition structure is as follows:

USA Powerlifting Pro Card Status

    • Earn a Pro Card in Powerlifting (from 2021 Nationals)
      • Top 5 Open Raw Lifters (in each weight class) at Nationals
  • All lifters at 2021 Virginia Pro also earn Pro Card (one time rule)
      • Top 3 Open Equipped Lifters (in each weight class) at Nationals
    • Earn a Pro Card in Bench Press (from 2021 Nationals)
      • Top 3 Open at Nationals (in each weight class)
  • USA Powerlifting Pro Card is required to compete in the Pro-Series Events

Pro Series Categories:

  • Female Raw Powerlifting 
  • Male Raw Powerlifting
  • Female Equipped Powerlifting
  • Male Equipped Powerlifting 
  • Female Raw Bench Press
  • Male Raw Bench Press
  • Female Equipped Bench Press
  • Male Equipped Bench Press

Earning Points in the Series:

  • At a Pro Series event, you will earn points based on your overall placing in the best lifter rankings. You can accumulate points at the different Pro Series events. The specific scoring and points system details will be shared soon.

Qualifying for Arnold Finals:

    • Raw Powerlifting:
      • Points from 1 Pro Powerlifting Event + Points from Nationals (2 total events)
    • Equipped Powerlifting
      • Points from 1 Pro Powerlifting Event + Points from Nationals (2 total events)
    • Raw Bench Press:
      • Points from 1 Pro Bench Event + Points from Nationals (2 total events)
    • Equipped Bench Press:
      • Points from 1 Pro Bench Event + Points from Nationals (2 total events)
  • A lifter can compete in multiple pro series categories if they desire, based on the above criteria

2022 Pro Series Schedule:

December 2021 Virginia Pro

March 2022: Arnold Sports Festival

June 2022: Nationals – Las Vegas, NV

  • $1,000 for all Open Full Power Weight Class Winners (Raw & Equipped) + Best Lifter Bonus for (Lightweight / Middleweight / Heavyweight) 
  • Open Bench: Prize Money for Top 3 by Formula (Female Raw, Female Equipped, Male Raw, Male Equipped)

June 2022: UBU Expo (Formerly Europa Games) – Dallas, TX

July 2022: UBU Expo (Formerly Europa Games) – Orlando, FL

August 2022: UBU Expo (Formerly Europa Games) – Phoenix, AZ

December 2022: Virginia Pro (tentative)

March 2023: Arnold Sports Festival (Pro Series Finals) 

  • 20 Total Full Power / 20 Total Bench Press
    • Top point earners in the series invited to the Pro Series Finals at the Arnold Sports Festival:
      • Top 5 Female Raw
      • Top 5 Female Equipped
      • Top 5 Male Raw
      • Top 5 Male Equipped
    • Additional opportunities for top point earners will be shared soon.

Pro Series Finals – The Arnold Sports Festival – $65,000 in cash prizes + more

This is just the beginning of the new Pro Series. As the Pro Series progresses, we will have larger cash prizes, more incredible events, and innovative new approaches to the sport of powerlifting.

To all of our members, volunteers, and supporters; thank you for your 40+ years of belief in our purpose, values, and mission. Drug-free powerlifting will endure thanks to you.

To our brothers and sisters across the world who we have competed alongside, competed against, and forged incredible friendships with over the last 24 years; our drug-free platforms will always be open to you. We are confident that we will see each other on an international platform in the future!

USA Powerlifting remains committed to drug-free powerlifting at all levels of competition. Whether you compete at your local gym meet, State Championship, National or International championship, rest assured each event will be drug tested.



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PRESS RELEASE: USA Powerlifting Immediately Suspended From IPF For Drug Testing https://www.usapowerlifting.com/press-release-usa-powerlifting-immediately-suspended-from-ipf-for-drug-testing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=press-release-usa-powerlifting-immediately-suspended-from-ipf-for-drug-testing Fri, 27 Aug 2021 15:30:10 +0000 https://www.usapowerlifting.com/?p=18243 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 27, 2021 USA Powerlifting Immediately Suspended From IPF For Drug Testing (Anchorage, AK) USA Powerlifting received the judgment from the IPF Doping Hearing Panel. Despite our plea to allow nominated athletes to compete, much like the IOC and IPF did for Russia (ROC), The IPF has denied athletes the right to…

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August 27, 2021

USA Powerlifting Immediately Suspended From IPF For Drug Testing

(Anchorage, AK) USA Powerlifting received the judgment from the IPF Doping Hearing Panel. Despite our plea to allow nominated athletes to compete, much like the IOC and IPF did for Russia (ROC), The IPF has denied athletes the right to compete. We are essentially being suspended for too much drug testing and not for doping violations. A 12-month suspension for all USA Powerlifting members from IPF competitions is effective immediately.  This suspension only affects the IPF events(and all positions held in the IPF), it does not impact local, National or our Pro events.

For over 40 years USA Powerlifting has been America’s Choice for Drug-Free Strength Sport. We believe that fair play and a clean platform at every level is important above all else. We refuse to capitulate to the IPF’s new brand of powerlifting that allows doping to run rampant.

The biggest impact in this brave new world is on the athletes. For the sake of our athletes, we will continue to fight for what is right. We believe in drug testing at all levels so that everyone from the local level to the elite level has a fair play platform. We believe in targeted testing to catch cheaters. And we believe that in order to call yourselves drug-free, you actually have to conduct drug testing at all levels of competition.

With our suspension from the IPF we are now the World’s Choice for Drug-Free Strength Sport. We will continue to lead the sport in innovation by consistently providing the best powerlifting product in the world; from high-quality events with professional light, audio, and jumbo screens, to great accommodations and locations. Athletes compete with USA Powerlifting because they are treated well and have access to the best drug-free powerlifting platform in the world.

We are deeply disappointed in this decision by the IPF. Our hearts go out to our National Team members who have had the rug pulled out from under them. We released the announcement of our new Pro Series on social media earlier this week. Details will be coming soon, but one of the first details we want to share is that the monies previously allocated for participation in the IPF events will now be given directly back to the athletes. This new level of competition will pay out over $200,000 to our Pro Athletes and raise the level of competition to even greater heights.

To all our members and most of all to our athletes; thank you for your commitment to our purpose, values, and mission. Because of you, our future is bright and because of you, we will continue to fight the good fight and ensure you have the best powerlifting experience possible.


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Press Release: August 15, 2021 Update on IPF vs USA Powerlifting Drug Testing Matters https://www.usapowerlifting.com/press-release-august-15-2021-update-on-ipf-vs-usa-powerlifting-drug-testing-matters/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=press-release-august-15-2021-update-on-ipf-vs-usa-powerlifting-drug-testing-matters Mon, 16 Aug 2021 00:45:04 +0000 https://www.usapowerlifting.com/?p=18187 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 15, 2021   (Anchorage, AK) We want to update our members and follow-up to the July 30, 2021 Press Release regarding the IPF charges of USA Powerlifting with failing to comply with the WADA Code, and the threat of fines and suspension. As anticipated, the IPF made new changes to their…

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August 15, 2021


(Anchorage, AK) We want to update our members and follow-up to the July 30, 2021 Press Release regarding the IPF charges of USA Powerlifting with failing to comply with the WADA Code, and the threat of fines and suspension.

As anticipated, the IPF made new changes to their Doping Hearing Panel (DHP) procedures in order to rush to judgement:

  • Arbitration Judge appointed by IPF, 1 day notice
  • Arbitration Judge confirmed by IPF, 2 day notice
  • Arbitration Day/Time set, 3 days notice
  • USAPL Responds to Arbitration with following letter

We have responded to the DHP/assigned arbitrator, consisting of CCES and one individual DHP member,  that we neither plan to participate in a process which will rubber stamp the IPF charges, nor will we comply with a system which purports to further clean sport but which, in reality, does nothing to deter doping other than among the very most elite athletes.

Today (August 15, 2021) the IPF released a statement on their social media channels regarding ‘transparency’ in their anti-doping program. To the contrary, the IPF is anything but transparent. (Merriam-Webster Definition of Transparent:  characterized by visibility or accessibility of information especially concerning business practices) This seems to be at odds with their system, in which their testing plan is secret, their proposed number of tests is undisclosed, who has been tested and when they were tested is never released, and who has been found positive is confidential.  

This ‘secrecy’ is not a WADA requirement as other international federations and National Anti  Doping Organizations (NADOs) actively publish test data.  The IPF was the testing authority at the 2021 Collegiate Nationals, but refused to release the names of the athletes they tested.  After weeks of attempted requests for this information, they finally released the names, but also confirmed they would no longer share names of tested lifters with member federations, USA Powerlifting has retained the email correspondence of these events.

Additionally, USA Powerlifting filed a complaint with WADA against the IPF for disclosing confidential athlete information. Confidential data was emailed by IPF President Gaston Parage to a wide audience which violates WADA code. The IPF President should never have been in possession of the data which he shared. He is not on the IPF Anti-Doping Commission, not on the IPF Doping Hearing Panel, not on the IPF Medical Committee, and not on the IPF TUE Committee. (Violation of WADA Principle 12.2 of the International Standards for Testing and Investigations & Section 4.1 of the International Standards of Results Management.)

WADA acknowledged our complaint, but declined our offer to provide further supporting documentation of the IPF’s history of breaching confidentiality.  WADA declined to inform USA Powerlifting what action was taken with the IPF for the violation of  athlete confidentiality.  The IPF has not followed up with USA Powerlifting on what they are doing to remedy the breach of confidentiality, again no transparency by the IPF.  At the same time, the IPF demands USA Powerlifting hand over full medical records of our athletes who have obtained TUEs. USA Powerlifting refuses to breach the confidentiality of U.S. athletes’ medical information and will not now, or ever, turn over this sensitive information.

To conclude while USA Powerlifting is subject to punishment by the IPF  for drug testing, the IPF

  1. Has zero transparency of their drug testing program
  2. Reduces overall testing
  3. Does not require Member Nations to drug test
  4. Breaches confidentiality of athletes
  5. Continues to change rules to satisfy their agenda

As stated in the prior Press Releases:  USA Powerlifting remains committed to drug testing at all levels.  


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Press Release: USA Powerlifting Continues The Fight For Drug Free Powerlifting: Threatened With Fines and Suspensions https://www.usapowerlifting.com/press-release-usa-powerlifting-continues-the-fight-for-drug-free-powerlifting-threatened-with-fines-and-suspensions/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=press-release-usa-powerlifting-continues-the-fight-for-drug-free-powerlifting-threatened-with-fines-and-suspensions Fri, 30 Jul 2021 15:50:09 +0000 https://www.usapowerlifting.com/?p=18140   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 30, 2021 USA Powerlifting Continues The Fight For Drug Free Powerlifting: Threatened With Fines and Suspensions We will continue to openly share updates on the challenges with the IPF. USA Powerlifting exists to provide the best drug-free powerlifting platform in the world for our members and will do whatever it…

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July 30, 2021

USA Powerlifting Continues The Fight For Drug Free Powerlifting: Threatened With Fines and Suspensions

We will continue to openly share updates on the challenges with the IPF. USA Powerlifting exists to provide the best drug-free powerlifting platform in the world for our members and will do whatever it takes to preserve a clean platform.

High-level overview:

  • The International Powerlifting Federation EC (IPF EC) has recently voted to appoint only one individual to hear cases before their Doping Hearing Panel (DHP).
  • The IPF EC then sent USA Powerlifting to the IPF DHP for conducting drug tests at the local level without the IPF’s authority to be heard by the one IPF EC appointee on the DHP.
  • The IPF has threatened USA Powerlifting with fines, suspension, and removal from all committee assignments if we continue to drug test contrary to what the IPF EC has demanded of USA Powerlifting.
  • The proposed sanctions include withdrawal or refusing entries to rightfully nominated athletes.
  • USA Powerlifting remains committed to drug testing at all levels.


(Anchorage, Alaska) Below you will find the letter USA Powerlifting received from the IPF last week, it is a referral to the IPF DHP. This ‘panel’ has historically been presided over by a group of members, as the name implies. However, within the last month a member of the IPF Executive proposed that the IPF DHP be reduced to only one person to serve as judge and jury.. This proposal was approved by majority vote of the IPF EC and is now instituted. USA Powerlifting will be judged by a single member of the Doping Hearing Panel appointed by the IPF EC. This concerning move is no coincidence and demonstrates the lengths that the IPF EC will go to circumvent due process and their own constitutional bylaws to serve their personal agenda. 

This referral to the IPF DHP is happening specifically because USA Powerlifting does not consent to being governed by an international body that declares itself in charge of all aspects of drug testing at every level. The IPF has mandated  that all countries, if they choose to drug test, must comply with all aspects of the 2021 WADA Code of which USA Powerlifting is not a signatory.  The IPFs interpretation of the WADA code demands that we support the entities ‘approved by WADA with usurious fees, with no input into our own testing program or knowledge of the athletes tested (no transparency of actual testing). This would so severely limit USA Powerlifting’s drug testing that the idea of a clean platform becomes laughable. 

These changes are driven by recent changes codified by WADA in the most recent version of the Code, implemented January 1, 2021. Through this document, WADA, a monopoly driven organization, is attempting to assume control of all drug testing at every level. They have recently made public statements regarding the control of drug testing at the collegiate and professional level, presumably in all sports. The introduction to the 2021 WADA Code speaks to their power grab for all anti doping efforts by prohibiting any national federation or sporting organization from conducting ANY testing outside of WADA’s control. Arguments for such a centrally controlled system cite problems in other sports, such as Olympic Weightlifting, and other nations with national doping programs. In short, because some are cheats, everyone must be, and a worldwide monopoly and government is justified.  

The sobering facts about IPF drug testing, or lack thereof, are not usually subject to scrutiny, until now. The numbers tell the truth. So much so, the IPF no longer publicly shares its drug testing information.  To be clear, the IPF’s ‘drug testing program’ has zero transparency.  The IPF wants to control our drug testing when they are unable to do a satisfactory job at the international level or even require all nations to test.  USA Powerlifting will not stoop to the low bar set by the IPF’s new way of “drug tested powerlifting.”

Drug Testing Facts

  • USA Powerlifting conducted more drug tests
    than every other IPF member nation combined in 2019
  • The IPF stopped drug testing world records
  • The IPF does not require member Nations to drug test
  • The IPF is more worried about appearing ‘compliant’ on paper
    for WADA than to actually perform adequate drug testing

Compliance with the IPF mandates would, at best, result in either financial insolvency for USA Powerlifting due to the outrageous fees of the drug testing monopoly, or a reduction of drug testing by approximately 90%. Such a system would result in the elimination of drug testing at the local level and the testing of a select handful of elite level athletes. We firmly stand by our belief that a clean platform at every level is absolutely necessary for the ethos of drug free powerlifting and that anything less than this is a detriment to clean sport and fair play.  

USA Powerlifting’s Executive Committee met with the IPF EC on a Skype call two weeks ago concerning our position and we provided options. In short, we need to continue testing at the local level and proposed a split federation as an alternative. Whereas the IPF and WADA are demanding 100% compliance, citing the IOC as the reason, we detailed the de facto split when professional athletes are concerned and suggested this as a model that has been acceptable to the IOC and which apparently receives WADA blessing. In short, professional athletes are allowed to participate in their respective professional leagues; i.e., NBA, NHL, Pro Tennis, etc, which are not WADA compliant until it is time for the Olympics. At that time, they cross over to Team USA and are subject to all WADA-defined testing requirements. The IPF and their drug testing vendor, CCES, rejected this idea as unheard of, and not WADA compliant.

As you will read in the letter, the IPF continues to threaten us with fines, suspension, and removal from all committee assignments. What is most telling is that the IPF threatens athletes’ ability to compete. This includes athletes, duly nominated by a nation which is, at this point, in good standing. It is clear that the IPF does not believe in being innocent until proven guilty, and that they will stop at nothing to penalize the athletes they claim to serve as punishment for administrative disagreements between federations. This is proven by the retroactive denial of world records at the 2020 Arnold Sports Festival and their refusal to argue the case before the International Court of Arbitration for Sport.

As stated previously, it is difficult to imagine that it is possible to drug test too much. It is difficult to comprehend that the IPF views countries who do no testing as ‘WADA compliant.’ It is also hard to imagine that WADA can appoint itself in charge of drug testing at every level and in every country and in every sport and define its method as the only acceptable method and all others as unethical and illegal. Perhaps we have fundamentally different values.  


Q. When is the hearing scheduled for? 

A. USA Powerlifting has not been informed of a hearing date at the time of this press release.

Q. Will everyone be able to compete? 

A. Athletes will continue to compete as normal at all USA Powerlifting meets. What we do not know at this time is if the IPF will bar those athletes already nominated for IPF level events. The IPF’s letter has threatened to punish the athletes.

Q. How does this affect current team members? 

A. Unfortunately, we do not have the answer to this question. USA Powerlifting is currently an IPF member nation in good standing and has nominated our athletes accordingly.  At the time of this press release, the IPF has accepted the nominations. With that said, we have no confidence that the IPF will not punish the lifters by denying their entry to an IPF event, as was similar with the case of the IPF retroactively denying World Records at the 2020 Arnold Sports Festival.

Q. As a member of a USA Powerlifting National Team, what should I do?

A. Proceed with caution. Look for refundable flights. Purchase travel insurance. Contact your head coach with any additional questions. 




The post Press Release: USA Powerlifting Continues The Fight For Drug Free Powerlifting: Threatened With Fines and Suspensions first appeared on USA Powerlifting.]]>
USA Powerlifting Awaits Confirmation From the IPF Regarding Athlete Nominations For International Events https://www.usapowerlifting.com/usa-powerlifting-awaits-confirmation-from-the-ipf-regarding-athlete-nominations-for-international-events/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=usa-powerlifting-awaits-confirmation-from-the-ipf-regarding-athlete-nominations-for-international-events Thu, 24 Jun 2021 20:42:18 +0000 https://www.usapowerlifting.com/?p=18003 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 24, 2021 USA Powerlifting Awaits Confirmation From the IPF Regarding Athlete Nominations For International Events USA Powerlifting is ready and prepared to begin the athlete nomination process for the 2021 NAPF Championships and the 2021 IPF World Championships. However, due to unresolved issues with the IPF, it is unclear whether or…

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June 24, 2021

USA Powerlifting Awaits Confirmation From the IPF Regarding Athlete Nominations For International Events

USA Powerlifting is ready and prepared to begin the athlete nomination process for the 2021 NAPF Championships and the 2021 IPF World Championships. However, due to unresolved issues with the IPF, it is unclear whether or not the IPF will penalize athletes we nominate and block them from competing in international events. Ensuring our athletes have a safe and unobstructed path to competition is our top priority.  USA Powerlifting remains a member of the IPF in good standing and is calling upon the IPF to confirm that our athletes will be able to compete without fear of withdrawal in the future.

Below is an excerpt from an email sent to the IPF Executive from President Larry Maile:

“…..The USA Powerlifting Executive requests this decision formally, by the entire IPF Executive Board rather than by informal email discussion of the officers.  Either the athletes may participate or they may not, but a firm decision is needed by the 26th or we cannot put together the team…”

We will continue to update our membership on the status of this situation.


The post USA Powerlifting Awaits Confirmation From the IPF Regarding Athlete Nominations For International Events first appeared on USA Powerlifting.]]>
USA Powerlifting’s Response to the IPF’s Cease and Desist Demand of our Drug Testing Program https://www.usapowerlifting.com/usa-powerliftings-response-to-ipfs-letter-to-cease-and-desist-drug-testing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=usa-powerliftings-response-to-ipfs-letter-to-cease-and-desist-drug-testing Sun, 20 Jun 2021 13:42:15 +0000 https://www.usapowerlifting.com/?p=17972 The following letter was sent to the IPF Executive Committee in response to their latest demand to cease and desist our drug testing at all levels.

The post USA Powerlifting’s Response to the IPF’s Cease and Desist Demand of our Drug Testing Program first appeared on USA Powerlifting.]]>
The following letter was sent to the IPF Executive Committee in response to their latest demand to cease and desist our drug testing at all levels.

Response to the IPF, June 7, 2021The post USA Powerlifting’s Response to the IPF’s Cease and Desist Demand of our Drug Testing Program first appeared on USA Powerlifting.]]>